1. What routes does TravelPassNG currently cover?

    • TravelPassNG currently covers the Suleja to Abuja route. More routes will be added soon.

  2. How do I purchase a ticket on the app?

    • Simply download the TravelPassNG app, select your travel route, and choose the type of ticket (one day, 7 days, or 30 days). Payment can be made directly through the app.

  3. Can I renew my ticket?

    • Yes, 30-day tickets can be renewed easily through the app.

  4. How do I validate my ticket?

    • Tickets can be validated by scanning the QR code on the bus or providing the OTP code to the driver.

  5. What happens if I lose my ticket?

    • If you lose your ticket, contact TravelPassNG immediately to deactivate it and purchase a new one.

  6. Are there refunds for unused tickets?

    • No, TravelPassNG operates on a no-refund policy for all prepaid tickets. Tickets once activated are seen as used.

  7. What payment methods are available?

    • You can pay for your tickets using debit/credit cards.

  8. How long is my ticket valid for?

    • Your ticket is valid for the period you purchased:

      • One-day tickets cover 1 day, to go anywhere and return home.

      • 7-day tickets cover 7 days.

      • 30-day tickets cover 30 days and can be renewed.

  9. How do I know my ticket is activated?

    • Your ticket is activated once it's validated on the bus using either the QR code or OTP code.

  10. Do I need an internet connection to use my ticket?

    • You need an internet connection to purchase and receive your ticket, but the QR code can be scanned or OTP used offline on the bus.

  1. Can I transfer my ticket to someone else?

    • No, tickets are non-transferable and tied to the purchaser’s account.

  2. How can I access bus stop locations and schedules?

    • Bus stop locations and schedules can be accessed via the app without signing up.

  3. Is my personal data safe on TravelPassNG?

    • Yes, TravelPassNG ensures that your data is protected and complies with privacy and security standards.

  4. What should I do if I don't receive my ticket within 30 minutes?

    • If you haven’t received your ticket within 30 minutes, please contact TravelPassNG customer support for assistance.

  5. How do I update or change my account details?

    • You can update your account information by logging into the app and accessing your profile settings.

  6. Can I use multiple tickets for a trip?

    • No, only one valid ticket for multiple trips.

  7. How do I report an issue with the app or a service?

    • You can report issues through the app’s support section or contact customer service.

  8. What are the app's hours of operation?

    • TravelPassNG services operate based on the transportation provider’s schedule, which can be viewed in the app.

  9. How can I give feedback on my travel experience?

    • Users can provide feedback via the app’s review section